O titulo desta resenha não é meu. É um aproveitamento de um artigo partilhado pelo João e que comecei a ler há poucas horas, e que irei escamotear pessoalmente com calma, ao longo do tempo e sempre que o tempo me permitir. Contudo, pareceu-me, pertinente partilhar, lançar a discussão sobre o assunto que não vai acontecer.
Ainda assim ficam aqui algumas passagens: "Social media and wine were fun a half decade ago. Even bottle-wank accounts (shots of a single bottle and nothing else) were amusing to look at it. There was a good deal of interaction, even if it was ultimately meaningless digital farting in the end because after all, a little farting now and again feels wonderful. Retweets on Twitter were aplenty and likes on Facebook even more so. Then things started to change.
The first problem started when Twitter introduced the “like” to copy Facebook. This was the beginning of the end for Twitter as people “liked” things more than retweeted them and thus there was much less dissemination. And again, this goes back to the opening paragraph because the passive use of likes versus the assertive use of retweets took over and people’s account were much more just their own broadcasting as likes were done out of sight. If some yaphole was constantly pitching his own book and not putting out interesting retweets because he just “liked” everything instead, it suddenly got a lot less interesting and by “less interesting” I mean, “super shitty.”
There was also “social fatigue” that set in. If you look at the Twitter account of Catavino and see that they have 49,000 followers, you might assume that this is something impressive. The truth is, their followers have been dropping off steadily at a rate of 1,000 a year and their retweets and likes are paltry for the number of eyeballs that they in theory reach. Even if they reached 10 likes on a tweet, that would still only mean participation 0.0002% of their total followers."
Resumindo vivemos em plena ditadura da contagem dos gostos, das caras bonitas, das poses excêntricas. A importância de cada personagem virtual ou não, em muitos casos, não é definida pela qualidade de argumentação, do arrojo, do nível de intervenção, e muito menos pela capacidade para criar e construir qualquer coisa, mas sim pelo número de vezes que aparece aqui e acolá e a consequente ressonância através dos imprescindíveis likes que vai obtendo. Começa a parecer-me que estamos perante uma (i)realidade repleta frugalidades, na maior parte das vezes. E sim, também eu começo a ficar fatigado. Entretanto, bem ao estilo tugalês, vamos assobiar para o lado. Eu, agora, vou contar os meus likes.